$\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\mathrm{ \vec{\boldsymbol{#1}}}} $ $\newcommand{\vecta}[3]{ \begin{bmatrix} #1\\ #2\\ #3 \end{bmatrix} } $ $\newcommand{\hata}[1]{\mathrm{ \hat{\boldsymbol{#1}}}} $ $ \newcommand{\blbox}[1]{\bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{#1}}$
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Calculus & Real Analysis

Abbott, S. (2015). Understanding analysis. springer publication.

Analytical Mechanics

Goldstein, H., Poole, C., & Safko, J. (2002). Classical mechanics.

Morin, D. (2008). Introduction to Classical Mechanics: With Problems and Solutions. Cambridge publication.

Electrodynamics, Optics, Lasers

Griffiths, D. J. (2005). Introduction to electrodynamics.

Hecht, E. (2016). Optics. Pearson publication.

Jackson, J. D. (1999). Classical electrodynamics (third edition).

Milonni, P. Eberly, J. (1988). Lasers. Wiley publication.

Quantum Mechanics

Gasiorowicz, Stephen (1974). Quantum Physics.

Griffiths, D. J., & Schroeter, D. F. (2018). Introduction to quantum mechanics. Cambridge university press.

Jackson, J. D. (1962). Mathematics for quantum mechanics: an introductory survey of operators, eigenvalues, and linear vector spaces. W.A. Benjamin, Inc. publication

Stodolna, A. S., Rouzee, A., Lepine, F., Cohen, S., Robicheaux, F., Gijsbertsen, A., ... & Vrakking, M. J. J. (2013). Hydrogen atoms under magnification: Direct observation of the nodal structure of Stark states. Physical Review Letters, 110(21), 213001.


Cerbin, J., & Sochnikov, I. (2019). Isolation solution for extreme environmental vibrations for quantum-enabling cryogenic setups installed on raised frames. Review of Scientific Instruments, 90(8).

Chui, C. K., & Jiang, Q. (2013). Applied mathematics. Data Compression. Spectral Methods, Fourier Analysis, Wavelets and Applications.