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Resolving Paradoxes in the Real Number Set $\Bbb{R}$

Let us motivate some analysis of the real number line and its properties. In this section, I attempt to demonstrate the following:

The Holes in our Rational Number Line

Consider this bizarre function proposed by Dirichlet:

$$ f(x) = \begin{cases} 1\ \ \text{if} \ x \in \Bbb{Q} \\ 0\ \ \text{if} \ x \notin \Bbb{Q} \end{cases} \tag{Eq. 1}$$

Plotting this function produces a figure that is highly discontinuous. As a result, f(x) pushes notions of being single-valued by appearing to produce two horizontal lines using inputs of x.

Resolution will not affect the plot's fine-structure or 'smoothness'. The Archimedean Property, held by rationals and reals, guarantees that there are infinite irrationals between any two elememts of $\Bbb{Q}$, fitting this observation.

Fig 1. - A plot of f(x). This is a single function, coded numerically in MATLAB; this is not a plot of two functions stacked on top of one another.

Here are some important observations about $f(x)$:

This property of $\Bbb{Q}$ to appear continuous, regardless of domain scope, is why the rational numbers form a field and support the identities for multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. For example, every element of $\Bbb{Z}$ has the multiplication inverses to support division.

Providing Visualization for $\Bbb{Q}$'s Unique Density in $\Bbb{R}$

An interesting way to show that $\Bbb{Q}$ has density, as opposed to its subsets $\Bbb{N}$ and $\Bbb{Z}$, is to plot an analogue to Dirichlet's function, but with integers at $f(x)=1$ and $x \in \Bbb{Q} \land x \notin \Bbb{Z}$ at f(x)=0. In this case, the empty intervals between the upper set of points ($\Bbb{Z}$) will be filled by the rationals of $\Bbb{Q}$ -- analogous to (Fig. 1) where the holes of $\Bbb{Q}$ were filled by the irrationals:

$$ f_{\Bbb{Z}}(x) = \begin{cases} 1\ \ \text{if} \ x \in \Bbb{Z} \\ 0\ \ \text{if} \ x \in \Bbb{Q} \land x \notin \Bbb{Z} \end{cases} \tag{Eq. 2}$$
Fig 2. - A plot of $f_{\Bbb{Z}}(x)$ over a domain that demonstrates how empty intervals in $\Bbb{Z}$ are filled by densely-packed rationals.

Irrationals are absent from (Eq. 2), yet the set at $f_{\Bbb{Z}}(x)=0$ still looks continuous;

Boundedness of our Number System

A common approach to the real number line begins with the Axiom of Completeness and the Archimedean Property. These are leveraged to understand the rational set ($\Bbb{R}$), infinities, boundedness, and dense sets.

Taking a surface-level look at our own number system through the context of these statements, familiar concepts fall out of [semi-]rigorous foundation: $$\Bbb{N} = \{1,2,3,4,\dots \}$$ $$\Bbb{Z} = \{ \dots , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, \dots \}$$ $$\Bbb{Q} = \{ p/q : p \land q \in \Bbb{Z},\ q \notin 0 \}$$
Defining $\Bbb{Q}$ requires "more" notation than its subsets. Despite being countably infinite like the naturals and the integers, it is impossible to list adjacent elements in the rational number set.

Applying this concept elsewhere, consider some set $A$ with elements that are ordered as such:

$$ A = \{r^2 \gt 2\ :\ x \in \Bbb{Q}\} \tag{Eq. 3} $$

Set $A$ contains all rational numbers $r^2$ that are greater than 2, not including 2 itself.

$$ \bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{ \text{inf} A=2} $$