$\newcommand{\vect}[1]{\mathrm{ \vec{\boldsymbol{#1}}}} $ $\newcommand{\vecta}[3]{ \begin{bmatrix} #1\\ #2\\ #3 \end{bmatrix} } $ $\newcommand{\hata}[1]{\mathrm{ \hat{\boldsymbol{#1}}}} $ $ \newcommand{\blbox}[1]{\bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{#1}}$
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Vectorizing Newton's Equation
Notation reference sheet - recommended if you are unfamiliar with vector notation.

One-dimensional models for motion are useful when there are symmetries to exploit, which allows one to extend 1-D descriptions and solve real, 3-D systems. Vectorizing Newton's equations is necessary when modelling systems in real, 3-D space.

  • Encoding our directional information in a position vector $\vect{r}(t)$ allows us to model motion in flat space ($\Bbb{R}^3$).
  • Vector-valued functions often complicate our mathematical modeling (see all of quantum mechanics), but this leads to a deeper analysis of conserved quantities and system behavior.

Rewriting Position, Velocity and Acceleration as 3-Vectors

Transitioning our picture from $x(t) \rightarrow \vect{r}(t)$: the following will serve as a brief overview on vector-valued functions. There are many equivalent ways of expressing vectors, and so it is advantageous to cover a more than one when introducing the topic.

In $\vect{r}$, we have a weighted sum of three standard basis vectors which correspond to position in the x,y,z directions:

$$ \bbox[8px,border:0px solid black] {\vect{r}(t) = \hat{ \mathrm{ \boldsymbol{r}}} \mathrm{r}(t) = \begin{bmatrix} x(t)\\ y(t)\\ z(t) \end{bmatrix} = x(t) \vecta{1}{0}{0} + y(t) \vecta{0}{1}{0} + z(t) \vecta{0}{0}{1} } \tag{Eq. 1}$$

Eq. 1 - A vector in $\Bbb{R}^3$ measured from the origin (0, 0, 0). expressed in four equivalent forms.

Since our $\vect{r}$ exists in flat space, then the magnitude of our vector is the pythagorean sum of its elements:

$$\bbox[8px,border:0px solid black]{ |\vect{r}(t)| = \sqrt{\vect{r} \cdot \vect{r}} = x(t) \oplus y(t) \oplus z(t) = \sqrt{[x(t)]^2+[y(t)]^2+[z(t)]^2}} \tag{Eq. 2} $$

Notice, our radicand is not a sum of vector-valued quantities; $x, y, z$ are scalar functions of t. Operating on these scalar functions with the unit-vectors ($\hata{x}, \hata{y}, \hata{z}$) results in $\vect{r}$'s directional information.

Introducing our calculus operations: differentiating $\vect{r}$ with respect to time will simply apply the scalar operation to each component, giving us definitions for $\vect{a}$ and $\vect{v}$ that are analogous to our one-dimensional model:

$$\bbox[8px,border:0px solid black]{\vect{a}(t) = \frac{d \vect{v}}{dt} = \frac{d^2 \vect{r}}{dt^2} = \frac{d^2}{dt^2} \vecta{x(t)}{y(t)}{z(t)} = \vecta{\frac{d^2 x(t)}{dt^2}}{\frac{d^2 y(t)}{dt^2}}{\frac{d^2 z(t)}{dt^2}} } \tag{Eq. 3} $$ $$\bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{\vect{F}(\vect{r},t) = m \ddot{\vect{r}} = \begin{bmatrix} F_x\\ F_y\\ F_z \end{bmatrix} = m \begin{bmatrix} \ddot{x}(t)\\ \ddot{y}(t)\\ \ddot{z}(t) \end{bmatrix}} \tag{Eq. 4}$$

Eq. 3 - A concise form for Newton's Equation, generalized to $\Bbb{R}^3$. Here, m is taken to be a scalar quantity, but mass is most generally a 3x3, symmetric matrix M.

Force in Newton's Equation is determined by our system choice, whereas $\ddot{\vect{r}}$ (system motion) is the quantity we're interested in obtaining.

Evidently, this vector formulation is a more compact (short-hand) way of expressing our three separate differential equations. Conceptually, this serves a greater purpose than simply cleaning-up our notation:

  • Powerful properties of fields and potentials in $\Bbb{R}^3$ may be invoked, allowing us to deepen our understanding of how a system evolves in time - not just with regarding motion!

Generalizing to N-Dimensional Vectors

Notice, too, that this formulation is not limited to 3-vectors. For any choice of $\Bbb{R}^k $ ($k \in \Bbb{N}$), (Eq. 1) and (Eq. 2) can be generalized as k-vector:

$$\vect{Q} =\begin{bmatrix} x_1(t)\\ x_2(t)\\ x_3(t)\\ \vdots\\ x_k(t) \end{bmatrix}\ \text{and}\ \ | \vect{Q}| = \sqrt{ \sum_{k=1}^{k} x^2_k(t)} \tag{Eq. 5}$$

Eq. 5 - Generalizations of (Eq. 1) and (Eq. 2), s.t. $\text{dim} \vect{Q} = k$. Typical (Lagrange) notation is $x_k \rightarrow q_k$.

Why would we even care about generalizing a system beyond our 3-dimensional, flat coordiante system?

  • Generalized coordinates may span large (sometimes continuous) indices.
  • In programming: the size (dimension) of an array (matrix) may be quite large, dynamic, random, etc.
When approaching problems in our flat, 3-D space, generalized coordinates are invaluable. In a system of N-many particles, we can denote different coordinates $x_k$ for each particle, resulting in k-many, coupled equations of motion.

Obtaining Differential Elements for Position ($d \vect{r}$) and rewriting $m \vect{a}$

Let us start by defining a full differential element for $\vect{r}$ to describe arbitrarily small changes:

  • Newton's dot notation: let $\ddot{g}(t) \rightarrow \ddot{g}$. We do not want to keep redeclaring the time-dependence of our functions.
  • We should be thorough and apply the product rule to each component of $\vect{r}$ to prove that calculus operations behave analogously to our one-dimensional cases. That is, let us invoke the right-hand-side of (Eq. 1).
  • Recall that $\hata{x}$ is the unit vector for the x-direction. Unit vectors encode purely directional information.
$$\begin{align*} d \vect{r} &= d(\hata{x} x + \hata{y} y + \hata{z} z) \\ &= d(\hata{x} x) + d(\hata{y} y) + d(\hata{z} z) \\ &= \hata{x} dx + x \cancel{d \hata{x}} + \hata{y} dy \\ & \ + y \cancel{d \hata{y}} + \hata{z} dz + z \cancel{d \hata{z}} \\ d \vect{r} &= \bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{ \hata{x} dx + \hata{y} dy + \hata{z} dz} \end{align*} \tag{Eq. 6}$$

Eq. 6 - Differential elements for our Cartesian unit vectors are equal to 0, as they are always constant. Other coordinate systems do not produce such a clean vector operation.

Finally, the chain rule can resolve the velocity-dependence of $m \ddot{\vect{r}}$. This is needed when expressing the energy quantities we care about (such as kinetic energy). For each vector component j in $\vect{r_j}$:

$$ \begin{align} m \ddot{x_j} &= m \frac{dv_j}{dt}\\ &=m \frac{dv_j}{dx_j} \frac{dx_j}{dt}\\ m \ddot{x_j} &= \bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{m v \frac{dv_j}{dx_j}} \end{align} \tag{Eq. 7} $$

Eq. 7 - Interpreting physical meaning from this in-between quantity is tricky.

Obtaining a Conservation Statement from Newton's Equation

Now we are ready to express Newton's Equation as a conservation statement. Multiplying our differential $d \vect{r}$ through (Eq. 1), we can resolve the conserved quantity $E$, the total system energy:

$$ \begin{align} \vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r} &= m \frac{d \vect{v}}{dx_j} \cdot d \vect{r}\\ \vecta{F_x}{F_y}{F_z}^T \vecta{dx}{dy}{dz} &=m \vecta{\frac{dv_x}{dx}}{\frac{dv_y}{dy}}{\frac{dv_z}{dz}}^T \vecta{dx}{dy}{dz} \\\\ F_x dx + F_y dy + F_z dz &= m (v_x dv_x + v_y dv_y + v_z dv_z) \end{align}$$
$$\begin{align} \blbox{\vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r} = m ( \vect{v} \cdot d \vect{v})} \end{align}$$

Integrate both sides of this expression w.r.t. the separated differential elements:

$$ \begin{align*} \int_r \vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r} &= \int_{v_{0}}^{v_x} m v_x\ dv_x + \int_{v_0}^{v_y} m v_y\ dv_y \ + \int_{v_0}^{v_z} m v_z\ dv_z \end{align*} \tag{Eq. 8} $$

Eq. 8 - To keep the expression neat, consider the case where our initial system position and velocity ($r_0,v_0) are zero.

We should leave this sum as a path integral of our 3-vector $F(\vect{r})$, to keep directional information in-tact. Notice that dot products take vector inputs but produce scalar outputs, resulting the scalar-value of energy (and an energy-dependence on velocity magnitudes). $$v^2=\vect{v} \cdot \vect{v}$$

  • Force applied to a system may be path-dependent (i.e. generalized magnetic force). In contrast, a force like (classical) gravity will vary only with distance from the source .

$$ \int_r \vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r} = \frac{1}{2} m (v-v_0)^2 = \frac{1}{2} mv^2 - E\\ $$ $$\bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{ E = \frac{1}{2} m v^2 - \int_r \vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r}} \\ \tag{Eq. 9}$$ $$\blbox{\ Total\ Energy\ =\ Kinetic\ Energy\ +\ Potential\ Energy}$$

Eq. 9 - Our statement of energy conservation, with surprising brevity. Notice that velocity is no longer a vector. In fact, we have mostly transformed Newton's statement back into a scalar equation.

Dimensionality of E and ($\vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d\vect{r}$)

Compare E to the term that outputs kinetic energy ($\frac{1}{2}mv^2$):

$$\blbox{[E] = [m][v]^2 = M^1L^2T^{-2} } \tag{Eq. 9.1}$$

Eq. 9.1 - In S.I. units, this is $kg\ m^2 / s^2$ -- Newton-meters -- Joules.

This dimensionality asserts that system energy may vary in time, across space, and with different system mass.

Newtonian Energy Mechanics with E and $V(\vect{r})$

Let's take a second and appreciate what exactly our conservation statement is saying.

  • The sum of these quantities (kinetic and potential energies) remains constant for all ($\vect{r}$, t). Considering the complexity of our operations to Newton's Equation, leading up to (Eq. 6), it may be surprising that any conserved quantities were resolved.
$$\bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{\frac{dE}{dt} = 0 \text{ if } \vect{F} \not \equiv \vect{F}(t)} \tag{Eq. 9.2}$$

Eq. 9.2* - Total energy of an isolated system is conserved. This topic is developed in statistical mechanics. More rigorously, this time-energy conservation relationship is a consequence of Noether's theorem.

  • Vector calculus allows us to recontextualize our path integral. The gradient of our scalar potential ($V( \vect{r})$) is equal to $\vect{F}(\vect{r})$:
$$ \bbox[8px,border:1px solid black]{ V(\vect{r}) = - \int_{r_0}^r \vect{F}(\vect{r}) \cdot d \vect{r}} \tag{Eq. 10} \\$$ $$ \bbox[8px,border:1px solid black] { \vec{\nabla} V(\vect{r}) = - \vect{F}(\vect{r}) } \tag{Eq. 11} $$

Eq. 10 & 11 - $\vect{F}$ and $d \vect{r}$ are determined by our system force and path. Our potential takes a vector input, but it outputs a scalar quantity. Applying the del operator ($\vec{\nabla}$) to $V(\vect{r})$ gives us its gradient.

Suddenly, our focus has shifted from the observable motion of our system ($\vect{r}$) to quantites that are more abstract ($E$ and $V(\vect{r})$). We even have a linear operator ($\vec{\nabla}$) to relate $\vect{F}$ to our potential V. Of course, $\vec{\nabla}$ is a linear operator becuase $\frac{d}{dx_i}$ is linear.

  • Whether V's form is numerical or analytical, we can obtain $\vect{F}$ by knowing a system's potential (and vise versa).
  • If V is time-dependent ($V(t)$), energy conservation is broken due to energy exchange with some external system.